Shove your basic pasta salad to the side and say hello to this tangy fresh Risoni recipe. Loaded with asparagus, mushrooms and zucchini. Served with a fresh summery dressing.
Also let’s normalize using canned veg. Canned vegetables are often looked down upon but often have equivalent nutritional value in comparison to fresh fruit and veg. Check the ingredients in the canned veg to avoid added sugars and preservatives. Canned asparagus is a n elite veg option. It melts in your mouth and you don’t even have to worry about cooking it.
Highly recommend serving this dish along with a protein source. I used chicken thigh in mine
Ingredients (4-5ish servings):
1 cup of dried Risoni
1 large zucchini
1 canned of asparagus
1 can of white button mushrooms
Olive oil
Crumbled goats cheese / feta
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/4 cup of red wine vinegar
2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp of honey
1 tbsp of Dijon mustard
Salt & pepper
1. Slice zucchini, season with salt and pepper, cover in a tsp of Olive oil and bake at 200C for ~15 mins
2. Cook the risoni in a boil pot of water according to package instructions. Once cooked rinse with cold water, drain and transfer to large bowl.
3. Chop the mushrooms and asparagus and add to salad bowl.
4. Prepare dressing by add all the ingredients into a jar and shaking until well combine.
5. Add the baked zucchini, and 1/2 the dressing to the bowl and mix everything until combine
6. Serve the pasta on a bed of spinach, add additional dressing, some crumbled goats cheese and parsley
enjoy cold or warm Xx